
"We work in the dark, We do what we can, We give what we have, Our doubt is our passion, And our passion is our task, The rest is the madness of art” ~Henry James

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear who's woolen thread
Has been stretched out and long forgot
The look the sense of yester year
Shows through in each bunch knot

Golden brown its hair delight
Has brought babes through many a night
Its power revealed in its gentle feel
Tranquil love its true appeal

Teddy bear its heart does know
Of open doors and times long past
Its ragged fur its torn ear
Give great account to many a tear

Its fur revealing a simple time
Shows power assuring a genteel mind
This bear's strength helped weave time's plot
Molding our lives into one great blot

Its enduring strength with which to write
Shows true our expression and our soul's design
Of our heart's melody and our soul's accord
Whose golden sleep has captured more

The tales of life show through its glow
And therein lies Teddy Bear's true worth
That he has conquered through life's fate
To be our one true soul mate

© Raymond t. Carter 1997